Intensive course with visa application paperwork

This intensive Spanish course consists of 4 hours of class every day, which are divided into 2 complementary sessions: communicative grammar and vocabulary & conversation.

If you are interested I receiving personalized advice, our person in charge, Tatiana, will explain in detail the management of the courses and will help you solve doubts about the process of the visa paperwork.



On finishing, you get a Spanish language certificate based o the MCER criteria (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages) and the Cervantes Institute Curricular Plan, with the level achieved by the student in all the linguistic competences.

TIMETABLE: From Monday to Friday from 09:30-13:30h.

DURATION: From 12 to 48 weeks. Each level is completed in 4 weeks of class.

INTENSITY: 4 lessons of 55 minutes daily, 20 lessons per week.

START: Every Monday (except absolute beginners, see start dates on the


  • Acceptance letter and academy matriculation
  • Health insuarance
  • Certification that you have sufficient economic means to cover your stay (600€ each month you stay approximately)
  • Criminal record check documentation translated and apostilled by the Hague.
  • Medical certificate: it can be issued by any collegiate doctor in Spain, expressly mentioning: “The patient does not have any of the illnesses that can have serious repercussions according to the provisions of the International Health Regulations of 2005.
  • Passport

If your stay is longer than 6 months you can also have the NIE, identification number for foreign people, to do all the administrative procedures in Spain.

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Ask about our courses and any other questions you may have.
In many cases, it is possible to join throughout the course.

If this is your first time, check the starting dates.